Thursday, 17 October 2013


Yes, that is the question I`ve been asking myself since I discovered the truth and the answers...
To what is really going on in the world. I call it my (and others`) waking up phase. This is really what`s happening: humans are waking up (not as fast as should) and discovering the truth behind the scene and the drama. Yes, the drama that we have been exposed to and brainwashed into for too long. From our food to our education, jobs and lives. We have been lied to for so long that it will take a faster pace to fix it, but I have faith in our human power and we will fix and glue this broken dream together in unity! I see this as my responsibility to share what I know with those who don`t or do doesn`t matter what matters the most is that the truth needs to spread as fast as a bad ass virus but this time we invent a good virus, as there are good witches:) (who were burnt by-the-way for their natural curing/healing abilities).
My dear fellow humans, I am talking about the way we have been conditioned, brainwashed and told what to do when to do it and most importantly how to live our lives. We are no longer choosing our true ways what our hearts dictate, we are doing what the elite wants us to do; not to live! Or in cages with no light in the darkness with no heart, mind and soul like once we have, once our ancient souls have. Aboriginal societies have been herded into a sheep tank and mostly are washed away so the new souls can no longer hear their voices and know their names. We are losing the old ways the way of harmony with nature our only guidance in this life! Our God, Earth you name the doesn`t matter since we are talking about the same: the most important matter in this universe: LIFE
I look around and see more and more sheep and not enough wolves who will protect the tribe, the elderly and the children from dangers to come. I see lies, I see separations, I see forces...I see nothing-ness.
I see that the only thing matters for us now is more and more possession and what we drive and wear and not who we really ARE. Do you see this too? Or am I dreaming? It seems to me that we have been possessed by things, materials that shouldn`t matter as long as we have food, shelter and health! We cannot have enough, it is never enough. Bigger, more and better so we feel happier and more unique than others, we stand out of the crowd, yes, that`s all it matters, does it? Think think think...and look into your heart deeply and ask yourselves that question: does this car really make you the happiest? or a new watch, TV whatever you wanted to buy. How long does this new-found happiness last? Maybe you can mark it on your calendar and see in a few weeks or you may need months to realize it does NOT make you any happier. In fact, you will want a newer car because this is older now, a new phone because it doesn`t do any further magic the latest one does. Is that right? We are gasping for more and more gadgets, things that are unreachable for us until we come to purchase them, then we have them and feel fulfilled until we start to plummet into dissatisfaction and wanting more in a material way. Do you think we can keep feeding our souls with materials? Do you think it will shut up one day and speak to us no more when the only thing we have been giving to it is materials, again things. No, I don`t think so. The soul will never be satisfied with false things, it needs your love and attention and after all YOU! Can you see this? Can you understand that without You there is no soul...or heart or anything relating to you, there are only things then, which cannot be without you or your soul. I am really hoping that humanity is going around in a big wide circle and that the circle of life will manifest in its positivity. We are seeds under the ground and we sprout then we grow as the sun, air and water provide elements to survive. Then we grow into this beautiful glowing flowers and feed other life forms with our nurturing love and care then we grow old and go back to the soil once we came out from. This is who we are this is our true nature to be born and provide then start all over! The nature of the circle is that we evolved by learning and learning lots from our environment including animals. We learned and our brains got bigger (guess what now it`s been shrinking, interestingly) we walk on the moon, build humongous skyscrapers, walk with gadgets that can do a million things and yet we are not the happiest species on this planet. Is that so- you may ask and the answer is yes it is. Just look around and see people including children go hungry and even die from it or from diseases. We are living in a time of the most types of diseases and special needs especially in children, allergies and tumours the list goes on. If you ask a Native elder anywhere native not Indian necessarily, they will now know the word I bet you. It just merely didn`t exist before. It is the 21st century`s pollution that we have been the sickest ever! So now the cycle or the circle continues: we are no longer trusting western medicine only, more and more people are reaching out for alternatives due to being left in the dark or with a breast or both cut off because they just didn`t have any other choices to cure you. And this is where the waking up part begins! My human family and friends, you have slowly started to wake up and realize that there needs to be another way than this. There has to be more to life than this, to be sickened, injected, operated and forced to gobble down your pills that have very serious side effects that might even kill you. The circle continues to go back around due to the nature of it being a circle it only goes in a circle! I see that we are going around and back to the basics. Not everyone of course we still need to save lots more fellow humans and poke them to awaken. However, it is their journey don`t forget, it is our own individual choice we make and we also have to take responsibility for doing so. It is not up to anyone else don`t forget!
You are also aware that there has to be something wrong in the financial world too! You may have heard about the 1% or the banksters, or even the Illuminati. You are probably pissed when you hear the word government and freak out. That is the first step to realize that something isn`t going the way your inner self senses things. And that is darn right, things aren`t going the way we people are meant to. Our food supplies are being modified, I hope you have at least once heard the word GMO and here is an other one OMG :) Our brains are put to a frequency where they can brainwash us and condition our thoughts/mind a good example is TV and the mainstream media with useless shows where we are forced to live other people`s lives and not to concentrate on ours. It is their problems now not ours when we watch these people on TV we forget our troubles we don`t have them anymore!
News, movies and fear! I mean Halloween too. Really this is what our children need? Scary skeletons, witches, caskets and ghosts? This is how we truly want to upbring our children with fear? I respect cultures and traditions, I come from a country full of it, but this corporate way just does not add up to me. Just like Christmas, the corporate way the way we buy buy buy and going back to things. We are forced to buy things because things are just so plentiful and available anywhere anytime in the Capitalist, consumerist societies, which the whole world is becoming of.


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